911-job system
All the materials of www.911-job.ru,
are copyright, have licence and belong to the "911 JOB" company.
Any interpretation of the materials placed on this web site,
their full or partial reprint
without a prior agreement in writing of the "911 JOB" Company,
are infringement of copyright and are prosecuted.
The company is not responsible for the information
sent and received by the Sides during their negotiations,
as well as for the contents of the web sites, which have references on www.911-job.ru.
Below there are reasons
enumerated why your access to www.911-job.ru
may be stopped:
threat, troubles or discomfort, caused to other users of www.911-job.ru;
transfer by the website e-mail of the information, not connected with job placement;
place vulgar, obscene, unethical information and pictures;
place or mailing of the non-requested promotional information to the site users;
infringement of confidential rights of any juridical or natural person;
infringement of copyright of any juridical or natural person.
The Company may delete from the site the information,
infringing this Agreement.
Your registration on www.911-job.ru means
you agree with the terms of these "Regulations".
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