Your vacancies and Jobseekers applications
The information on all your vacancies, will be placed on your working page
in section "Your vacancies & Jobseekers applications".
In this section will be also collected information about applications
that Jobseekers sent to your vacancies.
You can see the date of the publication and
the date of expiration of each of your vacancy.
Column "Views" - quantity of view of the vacancy by the Jobseekers.
Column "Applications" - number of applications received from Jobseekers
for each of your vacancy.
All applications from Jobseekers will be sent to you by email and will be stored in appropriate folders.
To access to the list of Jobseekers applications, click on the link View.
All Jobseekers applications and your negotiations with Jobseekers will be stored
separately for each your vacancy and for each application inside the vacancy.
Each of applications have one of two statuses:
"Unanswered" - you have not sent answer on this application
"Negotiation" - your have sent answer to this application, negotiation have been established.
To send the answer to one or more Jobseekers (for example to offer them to come for interview),
you can select the appropriate applications in the list of applications,
fill the form at the bottom of the page and click on the Send button.
Your answer will be sent to all selected Jobseekers at one moment.
In each application box of the list of applications you can see the link Full info.
This link allow you to open application detail page.
On this page you can see:
the date and text of Jobseeker's application
Jobseeker's CV
your negotiation with the Jobseeker
In negotiation section of the application detail page you can see
the form that allow you to send the answers and the new messages to Jobseeker.
Column "Status" - status of the your vacancy.
Status of vacancy may be: "Active", "Stopped" or "Expired".
- "Active" or "Stopped" - statuses of nonexpired vacancy.
- "Expired"- status of expired vacancy.
Column "Action" - the actions that you can implement for each of your vacancy.
Actions for nonexpired vacancy:
- "activate" - allow you to activate the stopped vacancy;
- "stop" - allow you to stop the active vacancy;
- "copy" - allow you to use existing nonexpired vacancy as "prototype" for creating new vacancy.
Actions for expired vacancy:
- "republish" - allow you to use existing expired vacancy as "prototype" for creating new vacancy.