How to fill and publish CV
After registration you have possibility to fill and publish your CV.
How to fill CV
Your filled CV is stored on your personal working page and is unavailable for browse to Employers.
You must publish your CV to make it accessible for browse to Employers.
The following data must be entered when you fill your CV:
URL to site, URL to photo - URLs to your site (home page) and to your photo.
Languages - enumerate the languages that you know and level of your knowledge.
Objective - the brief description of your objective:
- position in which you are interested;
- what is your purposes in the career;
- in what team you would like to work;
- and so on.
Qualification - description of your professional skills according to position in which you interested.
Education - base - Educational institution, period, speciality.
Education - additional - Seminars, trainings, courses, period of training, subject of training.
Experience - The chronological description of your work experience:
period, company, position, your role.
References - the people, which can give you the guidelines:
name, company, position, contact information;
if you do not want to place the information about this people in your CV, you can write:
"References are given on demand".
How to publish CV
To make your CV accessible for browse to Employers you must publish it.
After filling CV on your working page you can see the text:
"Your CV is not published"
Having selected the link "Publish CV" you receive the form for filling named by
"Parameters of the publication".
The following data must be entered when you publish your CV:
Ad title - The brief text of your ad about the publication of your CV,
which Employer will see when he browse the list of CV.
Should describe a job, which you looking for. For example:
"The Programmer searches for job",
"The Driver with own car" etc.
Ad text - More detailed description of a job which you are looking for.
For example, the location, description of the company, in which you would like to work.
Category - select one or more categories of a job.
Payment level - enter the payment level, currency (dollars, roubles)
and the payment period (hour, week, month etc.)
Region - select one or several regions (cities, areas) for the publication of your CV.
It should be the regions, in which you are ready to work.
Special sections - you can select zerro, one or more special sections, acceptable for publishing of your CV.