911-job Internet-Employment service
911-Job Help
How to use the search of a vacancies

You have possibility to make search of vacancies from main page of a site,
and also from your personal working page.

To receive lists interesting you vacancies you can,
having set the following conditions for search:

  • region, in which you search for job
  • category
  • keywords

  • * The keywords should be entered without punctuation signs, avoiding pretexts, unions etc.

    In a case if it is necessary to you to receive the information of the extended contents,
    with the instruction:

    the type of hiring,
    the status,

    You can take advantage of the "advanced Search" function.

    Except for offered in " simple search " of parameters,
    you can set the type, interesting for you, of hiring,
    the seizure and special of section on which will be made selection.

    Having made selection and having received the list of vacancies, interesting for you,
    you can view and answer the vacancy publication,
    having selected it through pressing header of the publication.

    In a case if you have answered to the employer,
    the information on it and your answer you can view
    in a heading " your answers to the employers ".

    Rambler's Top100 Rambler's Top100 TopList rax.ru: показано число хитов за 24 часа, посетителей за 24 часа и за сегодня